NEW: Review for a Continuing Appointment, Part-Time Faculty

Uploaded: September 10, 2021


1 Definition
2 Relevant Policy
3 Resources
4 Defining a Continuing Appointment
5 Review Occurs in Year Six
6 Review Provisions
6.1 Review Timing
6.2 Review Criteria
6.3 Review Process
6.4 What the PPAA Says about the Interim/Probationary Review
6.5 Material Prepared by the Candidate
6.6 Materials Gathered by the Chair
7 Review Outcome
7.1 Successful Review – Continuing Appointment
7.2 Unsuccessful Review
7.2.1 Right of Appeal
7.2.2 Appeal Process
8 Request for a Delay

The information in the AAPM provides guidance on implementing policy but in all instances, the policies are binding and take precedence over the information provided here.

1 Definition

“A part-time appointment is one that does not exceed 75 per cent of full-time employment and is not less than 20 per cent of full-time employment.” (PtP, preamble)

2 Relevant Policy

On a go-forward basis, part-time faculty are appointed under:

3 Resources

4 Defining a Continuing Appointment

  • The new Part-time Policy establishes a new employment status: that of a continuing appointment. A continuing appointment does not have an end date, but can be terminated in accordance with the notice and severance provisions of the PtP. In contrast, the policy explicitly says of initial and renewal appointments prior to review for a continuing appointment: “the part-time faculty member should not expect continuation of the appointment.” (PtP, 4)
  • Part-time faculty are considered for a continuing appointment “[d]uring the sixth (6th) year of a period of successive one year and/or two year appointments.” (PtP, 7a) 
  • A successful review for a continuing appointment does not confer a change in rank.
  • A continuing appointment is distinct from continuing status which is a status held by continuing stream, teaching stream faculty under the Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments (PPAA).

5 Review Occurs in Year Six

  • “During the sixth (6th) year of a period of successive one year and/or two year appointments, a part-time faculty member will be considered for continuing appointment as a part-time faculty member in accordance with (b) below on the terms set out in this policy.” (PtP, 7a)
  • “There shall be no more than six (6) successive annual appointments or successive appointments totaling six years before the part-time faculty member will be considered for continuing appointment in accordance with 7(a) below.” (PtP, 4)
  • Someone who was previously employed as a CLTA in the same unit: “Where a part-time faculty member appointed under this policy was previously employed at the University in a Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA) position in the same academic unit as their part-time faculty appointment, years of CLTA appointment shall normally be included when determining the application of this policy to that part-time faculty member. For example: a faculty member who had served five successive years in a CLTA position in the same academic unit could be appointed to a one year contract and considered for continuing employment in accordance with (b) above during what would be for the purposes of this policy their sixth successive year.”(PtP, 7c) Contact your Dean’s Office or VPFAL to discuss.
  • In this respect, note section 6.4 which clarifies that “six (6) successive annual appointments” are understood to have been within the same academic unit.
  • “Exceptions to the requirement that employment be successive can be made by the Vice-President & Provost” (PtP, 7e)

6 Review Provisions

6.1 Review Timing

  • “The review to be conducted before December 31” (PtP, 7b)
  • The effective date of a continuing appointment is normally July 1 following the review.
  • The contract that includes a part-time faculty member’s 6th year of successive appointments will inform them of the general timing of the review process. Unit-specific deadlines should be communicated directly.

6.2 Review Criteria

  • “The review committee should consider two questions:
    • (i) Has the part-time faculty member’s performance been sufficiently satisfactory for a continuing appointment to be recommended?
    • (ii) If a continuing appointment is recommended, what counselling should be given to the part-time faculty member to assist them to improve areas of weakness and maintain areas of strength?” (PtP, 7b)

6.3 Review Process

  • “The review shall be the same as that of interim review for Assistant Professor and probationary review for Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, pursuant to the relevant provisions of the PPAA, it being understood that the part-time faculty member is expected to have made achievements in teaching and research/scholarship during the course of their employment. Significant service contributions may also be considered.” (PtP, 7b)
  • Committee membership should follow the guidelines for interim and probationary review committees
  • Note that the timelines and deadlines for the continuing appointment review process may not perfectly mirror the timelines and deadlines for interim and probationary reviews given the timeline for part-time contract renewals. Timelines should be communicated clearly to part-time faculty members.

6.4 What the PPAA Says about the Interim/Probationary Review

  • Interim Review (relates to part-time non tenure stream faculty): “The procedures of the review committee should be made known to the appointee, but they cannot be rigidly defined for the University as a whole. Rather the procedures should be flexibly designed by each division or department with the aim of eliciting and considering all possible relevant information.” (PPAA, II, 8)
  • Probationary Review (relates to part-time teaching  stream faculty):  : “The procedures of the review committee should be made known to the appointee, but they cannot be rigidly defined for the University as a whole. Rather, the procedures should be flexibly designed by each division or department with the aim of eliciting and considering all possible relevant information and should include a classroom visit or other teaching observation.” (PPAA, VII, 30, vii)

6.5 Material Prepared by the Candidate

  • CV
  • Dossier(s)
    • Part-time faculty, non tenure stream: “an account of research or creative professional activity which has been completed or undertaken since the time of initial appointment” (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 8) + Teaching Dossier
    • Part-time faculty, teaching stream: “The appointee should be asked to submit their teaching dossier and an account of pedagogical/professional activity which has been completed or undertaken since the time of initial appointment” (PPAA, 2021, Part VII, 30, vii)

6.6 Material Gathered by the Chair

  • “Course evaluation should be considered”
  • “and also signed opinions of individual students if these are available”
  • Teaching observation (required for Teaching stream faculty) – consult your Faculty’s Teaching Guidelines
  • “Written comments from other department members, formally or informally acquainted with the appointee’s teaching or scholarship, should be solicited.” (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 8)

7 Review Outcome

7.1 Successful Review ― Continuing Appointment

  • “If the review is successful the part-time faculty member will be provided continuing appointment as a part-time faculty member at the same percentage appointment as the part-time member’s contract at the time the review was conducted unless the part-time faculty member and the unit head (with the approval of the division head and the Vice-President & Provost) agree to a different percentage.” (PtP,7b, emphasis added)
  • Effective date for a continuing appointment is normally July 1.
  • Note: A successful review for a continuing appointment does not confer a change in rank.
  • For a continuing appointment, use these template LOOs:

7.2 Unsuccessful Review

  • “If the review is not successful, the part-time faculty member’s contract will end in accordance with its terms and this Policy and will not be renewed.” (PtP, 7b)

7.2.1 Right of Appeal

  • “Where there is a review for a continuing appointment and the review is not successful and the part-time faculty member will not be offered a continuing appointment, the non-continuation or non-renewal of the part-time appointment cannot be the subject of a grievance under the Grievance Procedure set out in Article 7 of the Memorandum of Agreement. A claim that the non-renewal of a part-time appointment breached Article 9: No Discrimination of the Memorandum of Agreement or was made in bad faith or as a reprisal for the exercise of academic freedom may be appealed.” (See PtP,7d for further details.)

7.2.2 Appeal Process

  • “In the multi-departmental divisions, the appeal will be considered by the Principal or Dean. In other divisions, the appeal will be considered by a Principal or Dean designated for this purpose by the Vice-President & Provost. Where the appellant is cross-appointed, the person to hear the appeal will be determined according to the division in which the appellant holds their primary appointment. Appeals must be made in writing within fifteen (15) working days of the non-renewal of the part-time appointment and the appellant informed of the decision within twenty (20) working days of the appeal. The decision of the Principal or Dean may be appealed to the Vice-President & Provost within ten (10) days. The Vice-President & Provost’s decision will be final and cannot be grieved under the Grievance Procedure set out in Article 7 of the Memorandum of Agreement.” (PtP, 7d)

8 Request for a Delay

  • “Part-time faculty members who are scheduled to be considered for continuing appointments pursuant to 7(a) above may make a written request for delay in their review for continuing appointment due to pregnancy and/or parental or adoption leave or serious circumstances beyond their control such as illness or injury. The leave or serious circumstances must have occurred during their appointment as a part-time faculty member.”(PtP,12)
  • “Delays may be granted for one year, but not more than two years, with the written approval of the Vice-President & Provost. Written requests by a part-time faculty member for further delays based on the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code as amended from time to time will be considered by the Vice-President & Provost on a case-by-case basis, it being understood and agreed that such requests must be made by the member in writing at the earliest opportunity (i.e. as soon as a part-time member knows or reasonably ought to know that their review for continuing appointment may warrant a delay based on the provisions of the Code.)” (PtP 12)